
CNN opinion: How Trump can keep his promise to LGBTQ Americans

Margaret Hoover and Tyler Deaton in "CNN" | May 3, 2017

Margaret Hoover and Tyler Deaton explain how the President can work with Congress to resolve…

Article|LGBT Freedom

How Christians Can Bear Gospel Witness in an Anxious Age

John D. Inazu and Timothy Keller in "Christianity Today" | June 20, 2016

Our confidence in the gospel spurs us to serve our communities, not to shrink back…

Article|LGBT Freedom

The Utah Compromise

Stuart Adams in "Law & Liberty" | April 14, 2015

Stuart Adams explains that the “Utah Compromise” of 2015 provides a comprehensive framework at the…

Article|LGBT Freedom

Utah Passes Antidiscrimination Bill Backed by Mormon Leaders

Laurie Goodstein in "The New York Times" | March 12, 2015

Laurie Goodstein explains Utah’s 2015 legislation, the “Utah Compromise”, which created a framework at the…

Article|LGBT Freedom